Grief can come with many symptoms that may feel unfamiliar.
Your concentration can be affected when you are grieving the loss of a loved one. You may be forgetting to do things, gazing off at work or a number of other things. This is a normal part of the grieving process, and it’s important to recognize when you cannot concentrate. Recognition will help you to address the problem firsthand. Here are a few tips for improving your concentration during the grieving process:
Journaling - Whether it’s at the end of the day or somewhere in the middle, it can be helpful to clear your mind of your thoughts. Often during grief, our brain is just overcrowded with everything we’re trying to process. When you journal your thoughts or feelings, you can help to declutter your mind.
Not Overbooking Yourself - It can be tempting to keep yourself busy to try and maintain a “normal life,” but sometimes doing a little less is okay. It’s okay to say no every once and a while so you can rest and refuel.
Patience - It’s important to be patient with yourself when you’re dealing with grief. It’s okay to go through grief at your own pace. When you are more understanding and patient with yourself, you are more likely to feel less stressed. When you’re less stressed, your concentration will gradually start to improve.
Pushing Yourself - On the flip side of overbooking, it can also be helpful to push yourself to get started on things. It can be easy to say that you’re just not able to concentrate right now, but pushing through that can help relieve stress later. Getting started on a project or task is better than waiting until the last minute. You’ll find that your concentration can improve when you push through your emotions.
Grief comes with symptoms you may not expect. Lack of concentration can be a significant challenge that those grieving didn’t see coming. By using these tips, hopefully, you will find your concentration is improved.
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Warren J. “Ren” Newcomer, Jr. is a licensed funeral director in the states of Kansas and Ohio. Theresa Newcomer is not a licensed funeral director. Peggi Burkett, Director of Operations.